A Nomination Form is available below for members to nominate for the forthcoming election of the AVAA Board of Directors for 2020- 2021, to be held via Video conference on Friday 21 August 2020 at the Annual General Meeting.
Nominations are sought for seven (7) Board Members consisting of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and 4 ordinary Directors all for a 1-year term. The board may elect to appoint two Specialist Directors.
The current AVAA Board of Directors consists of eight members; four Directors from New South Wales, three Directors from Queensland and one Western Australia and will have held seven Board meetings.
Current Board Members standing for re-election, listed in alphabetical order, are:
- Geoff Eaton
- Sam Hunter
- David Jeffs
- John Leeson
- John Matthews
- Jane Raffan
- Tim Slattery
- Phillip Thomas
Associate Members may not nominate or vote at the AGM as per the AVAA Constitution.
NOMINATIONS CLOSE AT 4.00 PM, Thursday 05 August 2020.
Nomination forms received after this listed date and time will be considered null and void.
If the Nomination form is filled out incorrectly or submitted without signatures, it will be considered null and void.
Members who have not renewed membership for 2020 may not nominate at this time. |