Due to recent media regarding buying and selling own assets at auction, the AVAA would like to remind our members of the AVAA code of ethics that is designed to prevent market manipulation of values, and ensure our members conduct their business in an open, honest and transparent fashion.

We draw your attention to your obligations under Section 1 & 6 of the AVAA Code of Ethics:

 1      Members must not engage in conduct that is deliberately misleading or deceptive or through negligence is likely to mislead or deceive. If there is any conflict between this obligation and the requirements of a client, a member must if necessary, decline to act for the client.

6      Members must always fully identify themselves in all their dealings.

Any behaviour contrary to these sections including acting as a vendor as well as a buyer of the same item without declaring an interest in that item does not align with the AVAA code of ethics.

The AVAA code of ethics is available for viewing here.

For more information please email